A chherful girl showing happy expression with her hands in widened pant showing weight loss

Best Ways to Lose Weight easily and safely.

If you want to look smarter and fitter in your clothes. If you are underconfident due to being overweight and want to have confidence in yourself. Congratulations; you are in the right place. This blog will help you learn how to lose weight easily, gradually, and safely. The following are steps you need to stick with to lose weight.

Lose Weight Slowly and Gradually

Losing weight slowly and gradually has been shown by research to be good for you. It is safe to lose 1–1.5 kg per week. Fast weight loss may have disadvantages, such as loss of protein, bone density, and water content. It may also cause hypoglycemia, leading to a decrease in necessary blood sugar levels to remain active.

Motivation and Commitment

Before starting to lose weight, you must have clear reasons in your mind. These reasons will motivate you to lose weight. So, think about your reasons. Do you see yourself at risk of heart disease or diabetes, and are you committed to avoiding them? Do you want to look smarter like before? Whatever the reasons you have, note them down and be persistent in achieving your goals.

Keep Track of your Current Status.

Note your daily routine. Keep a record of everything you eat and drink. Track your daily physical activities, habits, and bedtime. This will help you identify areas where you need to make changes.

Also, observe the things that hinder you from losing weight. These might include your travel routine, sugary and fatty food intake habits, or a stressful daily routine with inadequate sleep.

Set Realistic Goals

Try to set goals that you consider achievable and easy to complete. Aim for goals that are easy and realistic. Setting realistic goals will help you achieve them easily and build your confidence to stick to your goals. Unrealistic goals will leave you feeling defeated.

Revise your goals from time to time and adjust them according to what you can achieve. If you can’t follow your chosen goal, make it easier. After a few weeks, you can increase your goal

Weight Loss Support

There are many applications available in the Play Store and Apple Store that can help you monitor your energy expenditure and physical activities. Install these applications to keep records of everything you eat and drink.

Try Variety of Exercises

Don’t stick to a single exercise. It will become boring and may encourage you to quit. Do a variety of exercises, such as walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, and playing outdoor games.

Alternative Activities

If you find these exercises difficult to do at the start, try the following activities: taking the stairs, gardening, doing some household chores yourself, and walking to nearby markets to buy groceries.

Eating Habits

Eating habits are also as important as workouts. Your weight actually depends on your input (what you eat) and your output (what you expend energy on). So, shape your eating habits accordingly.

Understanding and Managing Eating Triggers.

First of all, identify things that lead you to eat at irregular times. It might be social media videos of food that cause you to eat, or your habit of getting less sleep, which produces cravings for anything to eat. After identifying these triggers, distract yourself from cravings by planning anything else to do.

Eat Mindfully

Eating mindfully means appreciating what you eat—savouring its smell, taste, and colour. Eat slowly, savouring each bite, and observe its taste. This will satisfy your hunger more quickly, and you will eat less.

Use Smaller Plates

Use smaller plates for eating. It will also help you feel satisfied more quickly.

Eat Slowly

Avoid eating quickly because eating quickly doesn’t allow the brain to consciously register that you are full. Eating slowly gives your brain time to register the feeling of fullness.

Avoid Eating Late at Night

Eating late at night increases your energy intake and can cause hunger throughout the day, leading to cravings at night as well.

Drinking Before Meal

Drink before a meal. It will occupy some space in your stomach, causing you to eat less and feel satisfied more quickly.

Food and Drinks

What you eat definitely has an effect on your body weight. So, having checks and balances on the things you eat is also necessary to lose weight.

Reduce Sugar Intake

Avoid consuming items containing sugar, such as cookies, cakes, and sugar-sweetened drinks. Sugar-containing items have lots of calories and can lead to an increase in your blood sugar level, which has other health complications. Sugar is converted into fat, contributing to weight gain

Avoid High Calorie Drinks

Avoid drinking soda and juices. We often consume these sugar-containing drinks without considering their calorie content. It’s important to avoid them. Instead, try opting for black coffee or lemon juice

Avoid Fats Intake

Avoid foods containing fats. Fats contain a lot of energy. Consuming fatty foods can lead to weight gain.

Eat Protein and Vegetables

Include an adequate amount of protein in your routine. It will reduce cravings and make you feel full and satisfied.

Take Fibres

Eating dietary fibres makes you feel fuller and more satisfied. These are not digested by the body but signal the brain that the stomach is full of food.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to make your stomach feel full; otherwise, an empty stomach will demand food.


Get plenty of sleep. Less sleep can lead to hormonal imbalance, affecting appetite regulation. Insufficient sleep can increase cravings and lead to overeating.



If you’ve made up your mind to lose weight, commit to yourself and note down the reasons motivating you. Set realistic and achievable goals, and utilize tracking applications for assistance. Engage in various energy-consuming activities. Shape your eating habits by eating slowly and mindfully, using smaller plates. Hydrate yourself by drinking water before meals. Reduce sugar and fat intake in your daily diet. Consume more fiber, protein, and vegetables. Prioritize adequate sleep and minimize stress


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